Repairs to a pendular mill frame

Part: Repairs to pendular mill frame

Work: Repairs to frame in workshop

Sector: Lime (France)

SERCEM INDUSTRIE is well known in the field of heavy mechanics for 50 years in the region of Lyons in France . 

Our customers are renowned international operators such as Lafarge- Holcim, Heidelberg, Alcoa, Rusal etc ..

They are all world leaders in the field of mining, cement and mineral chemistry .

Our know-how is the mechanical improvement of production equipment such as rotary kilns , rotary dryers , mills, crushers etc…

As such , we present to you a recent achievement on behalf of one of our client, lime manufacturers .

Project: Repairs to a pendular mill frame

Sercem Industrie carry out the machining of the wear track on a vertical lathe.


Machining operations include :


  • On-site disassembly of crusher to access the frame, located at the base of the equipment.
  • Removal of the frame from the worn wear track by machining on a vertical lathe
  • Machining of the cast iron frame to create the shrink-fit housing
  • Hot fitting of the forged ring
  • Drilling of 8 holes for anti-rotation screws.
  • Supply of 8 anti-rotation screws
  • Assembly of the wear track

For the supply of the shrink forged ring:

  • Chemical analysis of materials
  • Mechanical testing
  • Mechanical testing
  • Dimensional survey


  • Dismantling of the frame on site 
  • Re-assembly of the frame after renovation operations in the workshop .
Repairs of kiln bearing
Repairs to primary crusher